We are the number one market research and business intelligence agency in the West of the country according to the AMAI ranking, (the Mexican Association of Market Research and Public Opinion Agencies) that brings together companies most important in this sector in the country.

With more than 3,500 national and international studies and more than 15 years of experience we are a consolidated of Strategic Research and Market Intelligence of excellence.

Members of CANIETI Occidente , for the technological vanguard in Neuromarketing and Big Data. We form the National Applied Neuroscience and Gender Equity Committee in Mexico.


We act with respect and congruence with our corporate values.


We provide added value with actionable strategies and we work with professionalism, quality, attention and passion in each of our projects.


Innovation is part of our philosophy, finding new intelligence methodologies to provide the information that the client requires.


Confidentiality and reliability of the information, being integrity in our actions is the guiding principle of our work, transmitting trust and certainty to our client.


We act with discipline in strategic planning, carrying out projects with quality and having the ability to be adaptable to the needs of our clients.


We enjoy what we do in the company and we are loyal both to our work and to the success of our clients.


The ACSI Research team is made up of people who manage to transcend with passion and excellence in what they do, expert professionals with authentic commitment to each project.


Paola Adriana Solórzano Gutiérrez

Mexican, with Bachelor of Marketing, Master in Marketing and Communication Management and Diploma in Neuromarketing.

  • CEO and founder of ACSI Research.
  • Researcher and professor, she works as Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Marketing Management at the University of Guadalajara.
  • Member of the AMAI, the Association of Market Research Agencies that groups together the most prestigious companies nationwide.
  • It belongs to the Applied Neuroscience Committee of the country.
  • Marketing Vice President of CANIETI Occidente.
  • She belongs to the Coordinating Council of Business Women.
  • Member of the National Board of Directors of AMAI and Coordinator of the Academic Liaison Committee of the Association.


Nationally recognized as a leading woman in the research industry. With appearances in magazines such as on the cover of Merca 2.0 and Éxito. Consultant and Advisor in different projects for both government institutions and organizations and companies.


At the age of 23, he took the general direction of the Center for Opinion Studies (CEO) of the University of Guadalajara, one of the most important research centers nationwide.


He has been responsible for the development of more than 3,000 research projects at the national and international level, cut: Political, Social and Market. She has supervised various theses both at the undergraduate and master’s level.


She has made various presentations and keynote conferences in Mexico and internationally related to research, she is a mentor for entrepreneurs.



Lic. Fabiola Ruvalcaba Suárez

Research Management

Lic. Adriana Gicela Félix Lugo

Executive Area Coordinator

Mtro. Anuar Reza Olvera

Senior Researcher

Mtra. Mireya Luna Mercado

Senior Researcher

Lic. Iliana G. Luna Mercado

Senior Researcher

Mtro. Gonzalo R. Ceballos

Senior Researcher

Mtra. María Guadalupe González Ramírez

Senior Researcher

Mtro. Salvador Sarabia Rodal

Quantitative Projects Coordinator

Lic. Desyreth Dueñas de la Torre

Marketing Coordinator

Mtra. Marinée Núñez Zepeda


Mtra. Judith Ortiz Barrera

Senior Researcher

Lic. Alejandra Arias Campos

Quality Coordinator

Mtra. Elizabeth Ruvalcaba Pizano

Neuromarketing Coordinator

Dr. Jessica Georgina Arroyo De Anda

Senior Researcher

Lic. Carmen Lucia Pérez Camarena

Director of Public Relations
